Aphorism forever JUST FOR TODAY, by Countess Sigrid von Galen

Aphorism forever JUST FOR TODAY

Just for today follow the light
on your way, and it shines most bright
in darkest night in a miraculous ray
for you, especially in sorrow.

Keep climbing the mountain to the top,
but stop to lend others at the base your skills 
who depend on you in the right moment
at the right time a most evil fight to stop!

Just for today, shine your brightest ray for your
sisters and brothers of the light,
just as you did yesterday and will tomorrow,
as its might never from you hid nor ever farewell
from you bid!

The seekers of the light are if your help in need,
most humble fathers and mothers, who lead a life 
free of frills, with whom the dark force never bothers
except to make them slaves even beyond graves with
a ritual sword and knife. Say the one word,
that lets the evildoers their weapons drop!

Countess Sigrid von Galen

